
The following is a list of our trademarks and service marks and those of third parties. In order to improve readability, our website may or may not use ™ or ® in the running text or on pictures and other images on this website neither for its own marks nor for the marks of third parties. By doing so, however, we do not waive any rights to its own marks and fully acknowledges rights of third parties to their respective marks. This Trademark List constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use. We have the right to update this Trademark List without notice.

Nobel Biocare Trademarks

  • All-on-4® treatment concept
  • Nobel Biocare


The INVISALIGN logo, among others are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc.

Invisalign® The Clear Alternative to Braces® is a trademark of Align Technology.

Invisalign®, ClinCheck® and SmartTrack®, among others, are trademarks and/or servicemarks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and / or other countries.

Subject to the Invisalign® Advertising Agreement, Align grants to Doctor limited and personal (non-transferable or sub-licensable) permission to use the Invisalign trademark and certain other Align trademarks identified and approved for use in the Invisalign® Advertising Agreement.

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